St James' Catholic Primary School

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Fit For Mission? Schools

In 2007, Bishop Patrick O'Donaghue released the document Fit for Mission? Schools,  in conjunction with Fit for Mission? Church

Our aim, in terms of Fit for Mission, is to ensure that our children become ‘Fit for Mission’. 

Our children need to be supported by their school to become the future of the Church. This means they need to be given the skills to do God’s work in their future life and given opportunities to experience the presence of Jesus so that they are spiritually developed and hold Jesus in their hearts. (It is when Jesus is the hearts of our children that they will have the strength to do God’s work).


 We believe that each pillar needs to be seen and felt so that children, parents, staff and parish have the opportunity to meet with Jesus.


It needs to be encouraged and experienced in the heart, mind, body and soul of all people.


Fit for Mission needs to permeate the life of our school so that the Gospel Values are clearly present.


This needs to happen in the WHOLE SCHOOL LIFE: The RE Curriculum and the whole curriculum, the Sacraments, the spiritual life and the way we reach out to others


Fit For Mission? Schools