St James' Catholic Primary School

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Welcome to Year 4 


Follow our learning journey and join us on our adventures.

In Year 4, we explore education through a leap back in time to Ancient Egypt, a trip across Europe to Italy and ending in the depths of the rivers.

We hope you enjoy it as much as we will.

Miss Carlton

We won the Dodgeball Competition!
We won the Dodgeball Competition!

Science fun..


In Science we have been looking at the topic Animals including Humans. We have been learning about the digestive system and what body parts are involved in this and their functions. We then showed and explained this by using some food and a pair or tights that represented the intestine! We got very messy but the children loved it! 

Most recently we have been looking at food chains and the definitions that are involved with these. We then started to create our own food chains. 

Year 4 Art Gallery