In St. James Catholic Primary School we teach writing through the Talk for Writing approach, developed by Pie Corbett. The aim is to develop imaginative, creative and effective writers, who are able to independently write for a variety of audiences and purposes. Throughout the year the children will cover non-fiction, fiction and poetry texts.
Talk for Writing enables children to imitate the key language they need, before they try reading and analysing it. Through fun activities that help them rehearse the tune of the language they need, followed by shared writing to show them how to craft their writing, children are helped to write in the same style. A key feature is that children internalise the language structures needed to write through ‘talking the text’ as well as close reading to analyse it. The approach moves from dependence towards independence, with the teacher using shared and guided teaching to develop the ability in children to write creatively and powerfully.
Talk for writing is taught in 3 stages referred to as the 3 I's, Imitation, Innovation and Independent Application. The stages are explained below:
Cold Write- Teachers provide the children with a stimulus in which the children write from without any initial teaching. The aim of this is to see what the children can do independently at the start of a unit, drawing on their prior learning. Assessment of their writing helps the teacher work out what to teach the whole class, different groups and adapt the model text and plan. From this a main focus for the unit of work will be identified.
The Imitation stage.
Text mapping. To begin the unit, the children internalise a whole text or the selected focus section from the model text. The model text is pitched well above the pupils’ level and has built into it the underlying, transferable structures and language patterns that students will need when they are writing. This is learned using a ‘text map’ and actions to strengthen memory and help students internalise the text. Activities such as drama are used to deepen understanding of the text.
Reading as a reader - Here the children unpick the writing to understand what the author has intended. Vocabulary is magpied and added to the class magpie walls alongside unpicking the structure of the text. All of this first phase is underpinned by rehearsing key spellings and grammatical patterns.
The Innovation Stage.
Reading as-a-writer - Here the children innovate the focus section along with short burst writing activities to embed skills and the chosen focus. Shared writing allows the children to have modelled the use of the focus skills and to ‘have a go’ themselves. Class toolkits for how to be successful with their piece of writing are created.
Independent application.
Eventually, students move on to the Independent Application, which is when they apply what has been taught and practised. Here, the children will plan and write their ‘Hot Write.’ Students are guided through planning, drafting and editing their work independently.
At St. James Catholic Primary School, we use Read Write Inc. Phonics which is a complete synthetic phonics programme for children that are learning to read and write and any older children who need small group or 1:1 support.
This approach:
- Allows children to decode fluently and comprehend quickly. The children read a book three times during the week which allows them to gain accuracy, fluency and a good understanding of the text.
- Includes fiction and non-fiction books matched to their phonic knowledge.
- Sets high expectations for all children. Assessments track every child’s progress and 1:1 tutoring is put into place if a child needs extra support.
- Participation for all. The style of teaching encourages all children to be fully involved and engaged for the whole of the session including partner practice or Fred in Your Head. The aim is that no child is left behind.
National Storytelling week (February 2025)
This week we were lucky enough to welcome back the wonderful Taffy Thomas (Storytelling Laureate). This is the second time he has visited our school and we were able to hear more of his tales and see his amazing tale coat. We all very much enjoyed listening to Taffy and hope we can welcome him back again next year.
Inspired by his visit, Year 2 had a fantastic afternoon making puppets from their favourite children’s book for Storytelling week. They enjoyed starting to create their own stories using their puppets too - well done Year 2
January 2025 - Bedtime book baskets
At St James’ we value reading for pleasure and know how important it is to encourage a love of reading in our pupils. Reading is such a valuable life skill and supports children’s imagination and allows them to explore a variety of subjects, destinations and possibilities. This year we have introduced bedtime book baskets, a range of story books, a cuddly teddy and some tasty treats. There is a basket for each of the classes (years R-3) and a different child gets to take the basket home each week. We want to make bedtime stories extra special and hope the baskets encourage and develop children’s love for reading.
Happy reading!
23rd September 2024
Today we had a visit from Andy Tooze (the poet from the Peaks). He shared some of his fabulous poetry with us and was kind enough to hold a poetry workshop in each of our classes. He encouraged us to write and perform our poems and we all had a fantastic time. Well done everyone, we really enjoyed hearing your poetry.
Tuesday 25th June - Tom Palmer
Today, we were lucky enough to have a visit from Tom Palmer. He is an award winning children’s author and has written 64 children’s books on a variety of themes including sport, war and spies. He spoke to us about some of his books, including his new release ‘Angel of Grasmere’. He also shared his journey to becoming an author and let us help him choose a title for a book he is just starting to write. We had a fantastic time talking to him and asking him questions. Here are a few pictures from the day.
Spring 2
World Book Day (7th March 2024)
We have had a wonderful World Book Day this year. Not only did we dress up as our favourite literary characters but we also created story boxes and jars for our favourite books. We shared some of our story books with each other and even had a visit from local author Gill Jepson who kindly read some of her stories for us. Here are some pictures of our day.
Spring 1
As part of our National Storytelling Week activities, we had members of staff share stories that were meaningful and important to them. We also enjoyed a visit from Storyteller Laureate, Taffy Thomas. He shared some of his stories and riddles with us and we all thoroughly enjoyed listening to his tales.
We had a visit from the poet Andy Tooze. He worked with all the classes creating different exciting poems. We finished the day with a whole school assembly, where lots of the children shared their poems.
Autumn term 2nd half.
Year 2 have been learning The Billy Goat's Gruff and creating some super work using new ideas!
World Book Day 2023.
Everyone had a lovely day dressing up as their favourite book characters and sharing their books with their friends!